Thursday, May 29, 2008


Hey all! I hope everyone is well, I'm doing just superb! Seems like the days are getting loonger and looonnngggerrrr as I get closer to graduating! (YIKES!)

Anyways, I was thinking about my tattooos, and how I'm doing my whole left arm in dali pieces, and so I was thinking (I'm so sentimental) that because I just love you guys so much, I thought maybe it would be nice if some of you (or all) would check out some Dali pieces online, and find one you love, and send it to me, so that way my sleeve will have a bit more meaning than my love for Dali. If you guys choose not to do that, my feelings won't be hurt, but I thought it would be kind of a cool idea.

And I'll try not to get more on my arm done before christies wedding!!

So yeah, I guess if you do find a piece of his work then just post it on here, and I'll print it off and that would be cool....

Just an Idea!

I love everyone!


Kathy said...

What a challenge! Dali was so prolific. I've been looking and looking for just the right painting. No luck yet. For anyone who might be interested, the best site I could find was

When I find it, I'll post it. Love, Aunt Kathy

Poopsie said...

I spent more time working on this than on my paper, Jenn. :O
I have one in mind, I will post it later though, okay? I prefer this site:

Love you!