Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Happy Belated Birthday to Our Blog... and (not belated) to Nate! :)

Seeing Aunt Cindy's post saying "happy birthday" to Nate made me realize that we've been posting to this blog for a year... more than a year actually, we started it on August 8, 2007! I am reminded because last year she said "happy birthday" to Nate on the 27th and I was confused because I had on my calendar that his birthday was on the 28th... and this year, I still have it on my calendar as the 28th, lol. At least now that I've been confused twice, I'll make sure to get it right next year! So happy birthday Nate and happy birthday to our blog!

I am glad that people are still posting about their lives. It's great to hear from everyone, even if it is just now and then. I have been meaning to post about my own life, you know, now that I'm newlywed and about the honeymoon, but I am still collecting/deciding the photos I'd like to share. I promise I'll post soon though. And because I can't say it enough, thanks to everyone who helped out with the wedding. It was AMAZING! :)

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