Saturday, August 30, 2008


I was talking to my mom yesterday, and we were talking about different species of cats for some reason. But I don't really like looking at it like they're different species, it just doesn't seem right. If we veiw animals that have different apperences, such as fur color and size, then we'd have to veiw humans the same way. If a Savannah cat is a different species than a Siamese cat, then a Irish person and a Chinese person would have to be classified as different species. Because most people view humans of one color to be the same as humans of a different color, shouldn't they view all cat species as not different species, but just a varied color of the same?
I don't know. Just a random thought..


Jenn said... amaze me =)

Anonymous said...

Cats are all the same species i believe the determination by color and size are further down the line, sort of like we determine nationality or continent of origin of humans. they are determined by a number of things like eye types, skin hue and size as well as language.

that's my thoughts anyway.
Love, Grama