Thursday, September 11, 2008

Busy day at work...

Okay, so it wasn't very busy for me, but for the rest of the department where I work, yesterday was crazy hectic. We (when I saw "we," I mean command staff) were in charge of coordinating a rally for Senator McCain and Governor Palin. They are saying it's the biggest rally they've had so far and the preparations were crazy because the ticket reservation numbers were so high, they weren't sure where to have it. Finally it was decided to have it at Van Dyke Park... which is RIGHT NEXT DOOR to our department. So, when I drove in yesterday morning, traffic was crazy and there were people all over the place:
I was fortunate to be able to watch the rally far away from the crowd in a "back room" at the police building. I had a great view of the stage. Although the Secret Service snipers did have to ask who it was standing in the window...

Governor Palin begins, with her husband, Cindy McCain, and Senator McCain behind her...

Senator McCains turn...

This was all the attendees trying to leave... there were THOUSANDS (they said like 20,000) of people there.

It's always awesome when something is going on in the city, whether it be this rally or a strong thunderstorm, because the department comes alive. It was really cool to be able to see this rally in person... way better than the Kerry one I saw at Mason. Maybe it's because Governor Palin actually gets me kind of interested in voting. WHOA! haha. It was especially awesome to be able to hear the officers tell stories once the crowds had gone home.


Poopsie said...

What an absolutely cool thing to be able to be 'part of'. I am glad that the Secret Service didn't shoot first and ask questions later. :)
Do I dare ask how Palin gets you to think about voting? Politics are things we do not often discuss in open family conversations. We have had tons of them lately at home, though...

Prophet said...

That, mom, is because politics are dope and should be openly discussed because everyone's opinion is valid and conversation is conversation, whether people agree or not. It's nothing more that just sharing ideas and opinions and shouldn't be taken that seriously.
BUT! That was really cool. To be able to see a potential leader of our country has to be amazing.