Sunday, September 14, 2008

Logan's week birthday!!

So today is Logans week birthday, so I decided to take some pictures of him to share with the rest of you. The first two are him sleeping on me with his little face all squished up and his mouth hanging open (grammie isn't fond of those ones lol) and then theres a picture of him getting ready to go see grammie and then a picture of his cute checker shoes! Hope you all enjoy them!!!


Christie said...

She probably doesn't like them because he looks kinda dead! But the shoes are wicked cute... as is he! I cannot wait to see him and hold him and take my own pictures! haha. XOXO

Kathy said...

So, I called Logan "ugly" the other night while I was holding him and maybe I offended his Dad. But really, the kid is about as cute as they come. Christie and Karen both know how we talk in opposites now and then--love talk! I can't wait to hold him again either! Logan, you really are handsome. Where did you get your good looks from anyway??