Friday, September 12, 2008

New Job

So, I have been lurking, with the occasional comment. I fell into the "I do not have anything cool going on" category.
But, I have a new job, which I LOVE! I come home dog tired, but happy. It can be quite frustrating trying to communicate the desire to help to someone over the phone when they do not understand English. I, of course, have no idea how to speak enough Spanish, or any French/ Creole. But, somehow, I got through to two of my families. :) Actually, I have been able to enroll 4, so far. I have to say the worst part for me is to use that "tough love" stuff and force the issue for those families that do not respond. I have left message after message for 2 families I have worked with in the past, and no one is returning those calls. So, I had to be the "bad guy" and mail them a form letter that says that must call or I will place them on a waiting list. UGH! I hand wrote that I was looking forward to hearing from them. :) The flip side is that I have a waiting list, and if my services are not needed for one family, they will be for another.
I have so much to learn, I feel like that first two weeks of class, when I though maybe I was in over my head. I know that as I set up a routine, it will be fine. As I said, I love my job, so the rest will fall into place. :)

Oh, and I have no idea why, but I joined the choir at church. Ye, and they didn't kick me out. My friend, Samm, has been asking me for at least 2 years, and I have always had the excuse "I have Thursday class." Now to figure out what to do with Ruth while I am in the "loft"...

1 comment:

Prophet said...

Dope. Glad your happy:)