Saturday, September 6, 2008


well i guess it is time that i wrote something. well we just finished our"booze" cruise, or our fun part of the underway. great part of it it, i saw guam, tonga, noumea, Brisbane, Sydney, and Melbourne. now i get ready to transfer in about 5 days from now. they will drop me off in guam then i will fly back to japan for 3-5 days so i can grab my service record, and then i fly to San Diego for about 30 days or so, then i will be trying to come back home. no promises nowadays. but other than that, colen is doing fine. she is struggling to get the paperwork on herside done so she can come to the states.


Anonymous said...

i can't wait to see you and to meet your Colen. we are all waiting with open arms and open hearts for both of you.

Love & prayers,

Nathan said...

i just hope she can i said before paper work problems

Kathy said...

By the time I comment, you may be on your way back to safe travels. I'm looking forward to seeing you--if not at home, maybe in Norfolk! Love, Aunt Kathy

Nathan said...

and i will change that, i am not leaving until the 15th now and will arrive in japan until the 16th