Sunday, September 7, 2008

Welcome to the Newest Nut

Logan James Blake

It is my great privilege to be able to introduce you all to Logan James Blake born this morning. Sam is doing great, given how much she went through to bring Logan into the world!! Nathan is a devoted dad already--he's never held a baby before but he's learning fast! Unfortunately I didn't get a photo of the three of them together. I'll let Grammie Beth post those photos--or Aunt Jenn!

Great Aunt Kathy and Grammie Beth admire the baby. The poor little fella looks like he's been through the war but he's just beautiful. And.....he knows how to speak his mind already:



Christie said...

Oh my goodness, he's so cute! And Sam, you are beautiful! You look so good for someone who had such a long labor! I can't wait to hug you and hold him!

Anonymous said...

I have held him also! My first Great-grandson! It was an awesome experience, for me... he was underwhelmed as they say. he is without a doubt the most BEAUTIFUL baby. Sam and Nate did an awesome job getting him here, well, Sam did the work and Nate did the sweating, I think. you should both be proud.

Grammie Beth looks like a woman in love to me with Great Aunt Kathy not too far behind. Think this boy will have an adoring following? I do,cuz i'm one of them.

Love & Prayers to all,

Poopsie said...

We, the CT Nuts, cannot wait to see that boy in real time. :)
He is so beautiful we have him as our background on the pc. :)

Congratulations to the Rice/ Blake Branch on the new twig. :)

Prophet said...

Congrats. Looks like a cool kid. I don't know what to say other than that. Not good at these things. But, I hope a congradulations on a cute baby will suffice :)