Thursday, September 18, 2008

You'll probably notice, so I'll make a note of it now, that just like Aunt Cindy's basement, this blog will be under construction for a little while. You'll still be able to post and everything, but it will be getting a new look. I know I posted about this before, but I'm finally getting to doing it. Please let me know if you have any friendly suggestions! Love and miss you all... bunches! *Christie*


Anonymous said...

i just want to let you know that the "new" picture made me cry. It was the only time in their entire relationship that my parents ever danced with each other. i miss them both dreadfully.

Anonymous said...

P.S. !!!!!

Just because I cried doesn't mean I didn't love seeing it. It was just a surprise! A lovely one at that!


Nathan said...

hey christie,
i need to change my email actually, cause it is no longer the old one, how do i get it changed

Christie said...

Hey Nate, just tell me your new e-mail address and I'll reinvite you with your new address.