Monday, October 6, 2008


So it is now officially fall time, so I decided to post some pictures of what my fall has been so far. The first two pictures are of Josh in an elf costume that he found while we were putting out our halloween stuff at Newbury. The picture cracked me up, and I'm sure he won't be thrilled once I tell him I put it on here for all to see, but I had to show everyone how cute he is! =) (not that you all didn't know anyways haha) and last week Josh bought me a pumpkin and I decided to paint it and I was pretty proud of it so I posted and then that is the snapping turtle with the missing eye (that mom and I are convinced dad poked out while poking him with a stick lol) This guy was in our backyard when I came home to hang out with mom, so we took pictures of him and dad picked him up with a shovel (which made the little guy we named "myrtle" angry so he hissed at dad, but now he is back at his house!)
So I posted my fall events so far, and maybe all the other family members could start posting about their fall!!! Love you all and see you soon!

1 comment:

Kathy said...

You are one lucky girl, Jenn, that's all I can say. What a cute elf! LOL!!!!