Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Hello there!

Hi everyone! It has been a while since I have posted, so I thought I would fill you in on some interesting facts about my life. I am still in Philly, of course, but I am officially broke and still don't have a job. Things will improve I'm sure, but it is pretty discouraging having gone this long without being able to do the most basic and essential thing one has to do when moving out on their own. I had an interview last Friday for a job that would be perfect and amazing, but I haven't heard back from the guy yet, so I'm not too optimistic. It is a carpentry apprenticeship at the Walnut Street Theatre, which is kind of a big deal (it's the oldest theatre in America, neat, huh?). But more importantly, it is exactly what I am interested in doing and what I have experience doing and it would just make me the happiest person alive if I got it. So we'll see. Otherwise, I have an interview at Target tomorrow, so, you know, that'd be sweet too....? Something will happen. If all else fails and you can't find a normal job, just look on craigslist for weird crap you can do to make money. Like clinical trials. For instance, today I have an appointment at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania for some tests to see if I qualify to do this neurological study that involves testing how certain drugs affect the brain. Basically I have to spend a ton of time in an MRI so they can track the affects in my brain or something. It sounds crazy, but it pays $450 if you do it all successfully. That's a month's rent! There is also this jetlag study that requires you to travel to France and spend four days in their sleep center for observation. It's a little more intense, but it pays $2500 if completed. That's if I get really desperate, I guess.

Anywho, other than all that I am doing well. A while ago I had an interview at this volunteer organization called BuildaBridge to be a classroom assistant. It seems like a really cool place. Basically, they use art and theatre and cooking and stuff like that to help homeless and underprivileged kids. Their goals are to assist them creatively, academically and socially and just to improve their lives in ways they wouldn't otherwise have an opportunity to do. I am signed up to work in a theatre class and I would be one of two assistants that are there to help the lead teacher in the classroom. This is the link: if you want to check it out in more detail. I can't start until I attend an orientation on November 6, but I'm really excited.

Well, that is pretty much it in my life right now I think. Though I wish it were under different circumstances, I look forward to seeing everyone this weekend. Until then, love to all and have a lovely day!

1 comment:

Poopsie said...

I checked out the Building Bridges site, and wow, Sparky, what a great thing! I hope you are able to participate between your work hours. I think you will be a great asset tot he program.
Love ya'
Auntie Cindy :)