Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Hey, I posted

But not here....
Sorry :)

We went to Mystic Village to start, and finished at Uncle Bill's. It is the only time I go over there, and it was nice to catch up with everyone. Ruth had company going from door to door. Not that she needed it. She talked to each and every person that handed her a treat. :)

Darrell and Wally

The Joker- Nate

And last, but not least:

Bindi Erwin: "Don't you just love his eyebrows?"

Brian dressed up in Goth and headed out with Anji before I had a chance to snap his picture. DJ went from work to Erin's, so I guess he was a plumber. I just sat back and enjoyed my $4.00 coffee from the Village Beanery.

1 comment:

Kathy said...

I am one step behind and didn't check your other blog! Thanks for posting here too. Bindi Erwin is very cute and not nearly as scary as I anticipated. (smile)

And Nate--what a joker!