Tuesday, November 25, 2008


I'm soo excited to read about everyone's lives and what has been happening!! So I guess I will fill you all in about my life!!!

Josh and I are moving back into mom and dads house. It was something that was tossed in the air a few to many times, but josh gave the final word last night and so we're already almost all moved in. (I don't take long to get out of a crappy situation haha) We decided to make this decision when josh argued with his brother about heat. We haven't had heat or hot water for the past couple weeks, and when you can see your own breath in the living room, something has to change. So I am thrilled, not that josh got in a fight with his brother, but that we can stay in a nice toasty home filled with lots of love from family and toasty showers! =)

I also got hired at Valley Vista, the rehab I applied to a few weeks ago. It is only as needed, but when I went to fill out my background check and drug screening papers, the director just HAD to meet me and he said that there are a couple people that will be leaving soon, and then he will hire me full time. I am soooooo excited (although when I first got the call I called mom crying my eyes out because I wanted to work full time but didn't get it) to start working there, the stafff that I have met are just wonderful, and I know I will be able to contribute alot to the place. SO thank you very much for everyone who snuck in a prayer for me I am so thrilled it came true! =)

see everyone at thanksgiving!

1 comment:

Christie said...

Congrats on the job! We will pray some more that you get a full time spot! And I'm glad you get to move somewhere that you won't freeze to death. Can't wait to see you tomorrow!!!!!