Saturday, November 22, 2008

Phillips Family Update

Well, here is the latest:

Darrell is enjoying his semi-retirement. Actually, we all enjoy having him home. There is a sense of "normal" around here, well sort of. :)

Cindy is having some time off, not for good behavior. :( I have a ventral hernia in my stomach area, which means surgery is likely. YUCK! There is only so much TV to watch...

Nate left for the Persian Gulf. I have not heard more than that. Colen moved to a safer region of her country, but her family still resides near the terrorists.

DJ is enjoying hunting season, but with his work schedule, needs more sleep.

Brian is doing well with school. He checked out the youth center this week and decided, like many of us, he does not "get" his peers.

Ruth is getting along well in school. We have been practicing how to find something nice to say about the person we don't like, and how that can change relationships.

Bobby, Chrissy, and the girls are all doing well, too. We are heading to their house for Turkey day, and looking forward to it!

Oh, and Grandpa is getting ready to go out and start cutting trees in the next few weeks.

That is our update, what about yours?

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