Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Research Subject? Carriage Driver?

I knew when I moved to a new city that I would have some fun experiences and Philadelphia has not let me down. Especially when it comes to discovering the many ways you can make money. You all know about my adventures with the MRIs and now that I have finished, I will be getting $400 and the chance to do other research trials and make some more cash. I told many of you that I had a job at Target when I saw you in Connecticut, but as it turns out some stuff happened that prevented them from getting my drug test results in time, which means they rescinded the job offer. Needless to say, that freaked me out a little, since I finally felt like I was getting somewhere.
^Superfluous adorable picture to make my post look more interesting.

Well, this was Friday and I decided to go for a walk to work out my frustrations and it just so happens that I live just a couple blocks from some horse stables where one of the Philadelphia carriage companies runs out of. I go there all the time and think that I would love to have a job there just so I could play with the horses, so I went in to see if I could just do a stable hand sort of thing, but they didn't have any openings. They did have openings for carriage drivers though and apparently you don't need any experience, they train you completely and so I applied and they said that I should come in to ride along with someone for a day to see if it was something I really want to do. So I did and it was great. Except that it was freezing and I did not dress warmly enough. But it was really fun being around the horses and I even got to drive the carriage around the block. How awesome would that be??! Well, it would be awesome but the pay is commission and business is not very good during the winter, so I'm afraid it wouldn't be stable enough financially at this point.

Again, has nothing to do with my post, but HELLO, can you stop giggling? Because I couldn't.

I would go for it if it were my only prospect but it just so happens that Sunday night I got an e-mail from Macy's asking me to set up an interview time. I had applied there a while ago online so I set up an interview for Tuesday. There were six other people there and we had a group interview, which was weird, but we all got hired! So yeah, I have a full time job in the Better Sportswear department at Macy's. I don't know what better sportswear is, or if I just misunderstood what they were telling me, but I'm pretty excited. It's only seasonal and ends in January unless I do really well, then they could offer me the job permanently. Unfortunately, it also means that I might have trouble getting home for the holidays, but I'll figure that out when the time comes. It also only pays $7.50 an hour, which is not enough to pay all my bills, what with college loans and all that, but it's a good start. I may just end up getting a waitress or hosting job for two or three nights a week to supplement my income a little. But anyway, that is my exciting news of the week.

P.S. If you are wondering where I got those pictures from and want to waste away time and annoy everyone around you with constants AAAWWWWs and 'OH MY GODs' in squeaky voices, go to You're welcome.


Kathy said...

Ah, the joys of starting out in life. Oh, to be a "testee"....You'll love Macy's with the country's largest organ and amazing light show! We'll figure out Christmas when we have to. Love, MUM

Jenn said...

aunt kathy, I feel like in your comment you were being perverted. haha!

I'm glad you got a job finally, karen, little pay is better than no pay (trust me) I'm in the same boat. and thanks for posting those pictures, they made me laugh!

and I hope you can come home for christmas, or else...who would I be sledding with? =)