Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Hey everyone,

I've set a goal for 2009. That goal is to read as many books off of a top 100 book list (click here for the list) as I can throughout the year.

My plan is to start with book #100 and work my way toward #1.

If you'd like to join me, even if it's just for a few of the books, let me know! I'll try to update on here when I've moved on to a new book. I plan to start on January 1 (Thursday) with book #100, which is Midnight's Children by Salman Rushdie.

I hope everyone is doing well! Stay safe tomorrow night!

Love love, Christie

1 comment:

Poopsie said...

I was going to post on your blog. I think I might join you. I printed out the list weeks ago when you posted about your goal. I just have to get to the library. I might be on the same page as you, with school starting again. But, I look forward to the challenge, and the time shared across the miles.
Love, Auntie Cindy :)