Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Cookies, Lights, and a Star

Christie is right--Jenn is scary! What will she do if we don't post? I don't want to know so here's a contribution. This past Sunday afternoon Grama and I went to the Rice's to help them make their Christmas cookies. I wish I could remember the name of these cookies. They were hard to stir but very tasty (even if they looked a bit like butt nuggets......) Fudgy something.....

Of course, Logan was the star of the show. We tried and tried to get him to smile. He is such a little man. He would NOT smile no matter how we tried. Until.........
Yep, take his pants off and he laughs his head off. It must be a magical dressing table. He certainly thought his grandmother was a hoot!What a cutie!!
The next few photos don't need much explanation. On the way home, Mom and I saw the lights across the lake and took a few minutes to drive over and enjoy LaSallette.

Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

Jenn said...

I like those pictures, I'm glad you posted about cookie making because I couldn't fit my pictures on my post.

And I'm glad you posted anyways-because there would be serious consequences if people aren't posting everyday! haha