Monday, December 15, 2008

Enjoying this Holiday Season!

This is our christmas tree that we worked VERY hard on to cut down. Dad didn't quite cut it short enough, but he said we need that flare on top so Leonard won't knock it over. haha

This is Sams gingerbread house, although it isn't completed, I thought it would be nice to share with you her pro gingerbread skills

This is my gingerbread house....not as nice as Sams. When I was making the gingerbread I forgot to make enough pieces for myself, so it ended up being a gingerbread teepee. and my gingerbread guy originally had two arms....but it was a stressful night and he ended up losing an arm

Here is Mr. O'Day starting his gingerbread mansion. In the end he didn't have one because it was to big so it kept falling apart and him and Nate just gave up.

And this is Sam and Logan in Gingerbread form. Logan was a little over cooked so he kind of looked black...but we don't discriminate in this family. I don't think Sam ever ended up putting them on her almost final house.
Well, I do have many more pictures I would like to put on here, but I could only fit these pictures on here for some reason, so I will post again soon with the other pictures from Christmas cookie day and other things. I can't wait to see everyone in a little over a week!!!!!!
p.s-the count down has officially started--10 days until christmas, so I expect there to be a new post from someone EVERY DAY until Christmas!!! I WANT TO SEE OTHER PEOPLES HOLIDAY SPIRIT!!!! =)


Christie said...

Thanks for a laugh this morning Jenn! It's awesome you all made ginger bread houses!

Kathy said...

Jenn-you are hilarious (I probably shouldn't encourage you...) LOL!!
I loved your photos and stories.

I'll post too. I promise!

Love, Aunt Kathy