Friday, December 19, 2008

I saw that photo

of Jenn with an axe, and then the one with the one armed gingerbread boy. You can bet, I will not allow the day to pass with no post... :)

Just a couple of photos of the little things I use to decorate:

My little girl that was a Christmas surprise in a year gone by...

Jesus is the Reason for the Season,

and hey, a teapot full of cocoa at Grama's makes my Grandgirls feel special. :)

A place for Santa to sit and munch on cookies. this photo was taken before Ruth decided to leave him a gift. A piece of Kacy's blankie. She feels that Santa needs a special gift too. After all, he gives to everyone else. :)

And of course, Christmas is not the same without these:

Did anyone notice that my stocking is the smallest one? And have you ever heard that Kathy used to think she got the least presents in hers.... GO figure. :) Love you, Kats! I just can't help but tease. The next one over is Nate's. It hangs there, Nate, but I hope that your gift actually ended up at the ship...

(By the way, did you see the lack of a HUGE Red Sox emblem on that wall above the TV. Christmas is my time of year. :) )

1 comment:

Nathan said...

Just So you know mom, the thing you gave me right before i left was enough for me, but i havent recieved anything yet