Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Tree Report and the Final Countdown

The Sunday night snow report--see the table on our deck? We definitely got 2 feet of snow (or more) over the weekend.

Sunday night Christie, Karen and I took a walk to see Grama. It was beautiful and quiet (except for Vampire sounds coming from Karen) I wanted to take night photos but I don't know enough about my camera.
Mom and Scott have a lovely tabletop tree covered in St. Nicholas'. Mom bought the tree a couple of weeks ago at the local nursery--we brought it home in the back of my car!
At last, the McCullough's also have a Christmas tree. Sorry for the blurry photo. It's a cute tree.
Oh, and Happy Birthday to Nana. While she is not a "nut" she deserves special mention today! When I was growing up, Nana's birthday meant Christmas was right around the corner. It still does!

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