Monday, January 19, 2009

I have no excuse for not posting...

I've basically been online constantly since I got to Arlington so I have no excuses for not posting.  Except that nothing exciting had been happening. UNTIL NOW!  I'm sure most if not all of you have heard through the grapevine, but I did finally find a job!  Also, if you didn't know, I moved to Arlington, VA because I couldn't afford to live in Philly anymore so I'm living with Uncle Tim and Aunt Erica and cousins for now.  I was hoping it would be easier to find a job in the nation's capital, and whaddya know? It worked!  I just got hired to be an assistant house manager at Ford's Theatre YAYYYY!!!  House managers are in charge of everything to do with the audience--getting them safely and happily in and out of the theatre, making sure everything runs smoothly, and training the volunteer ushers who are in charge of greeting and seating the patrons.  It's part time right now, but it is possible that it will eventually turn into full time.  It's soooo exciting.  This year is the bicentennial of Lincoln's birth so all sorts of cool stuff is happening, lots of special events.  So I will definitely stay busy.  Also, the theatre was just closed for about a year for renovation and they haven't even reopened yet, but they are having me come in and help prepare and get everything ready for the grand reopening.  So it's a cool sneak peek into the behind the scenes stuff that not many people get to see.  Of course, Tim and Erica are in the process of selling their house and buying one in New Hampshire, so it is possible that within a month's time I will have to relocate again.  My wonderful sister is kind enough that she will take me in until I can afford to get a place for myself.  But overall, very exciting things happening.  I might even be crazy enough to go into the city tomorrow for the inauguration. We'll see how that goes...Well, I like the scattegories thing even though the letter K is not very easy especially since I can duplicate answers.  Thanks mom! Anyway, LOVE Y'ALL!

1 comment:

Poopsie said...

In case no one told you, Sparky, I am very proud of you. I have been telling my co-workers and everything.
Way to hang in there!