Thursday, February 12, 2009

Big Night!

So, last night was the grand reopening of Ford's Theatre and it was kind of a big deal.  There were oodles of celebrities and very important peoples running around.  A few on the guest list included Kelsey Grammer, James Earl Jones, Richard Thomas, George Lucas and Sidney Poitier.  Oh, and Mister President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle.  Yes indeedy.  If you want to see more about the program:  I had to dress up and found an amazing dress and even more amazing earrings and i looked gooooood (for real cheap too!)  Here are some pictures!  Sorry they're so big, I'm having some issues with the uploader and stuff...

On the red carpet.  Practicing for my Oscar appearances.
The front of house team! Allison, me, Shade', Amanda

George Lucas!

SIDNEY POITIER!!! There were tears...I mean, holy crap.

I guess those are the best of the pictures I took.  Erica took some really good ones of me in my dress, not from the night, but the day I got my dress.  So as soon as I have access to those I will post them. In particular, there are some close-ups of my earrings, which were so great. Anyway, I don't know what to say about the night other than it was incredible.  My feet were killing me because I stupidly wore huge heels, but I survived and it was a great night.  YAY! 

1 comment:

Poopsie said...

Good for you, Sparkie!

This is so awesome, Karen. I am very glad that you found something that you enjoy, and the fringe benefits are spectacular! I don't like to think I am one of those people that are impressed by "stars", but this is just cool. :)
Did you get to hear all the speechs and such as well?
Aunt Cindy P :)