Sunday, February 8, 2009

Don't forget! *edited

(I changed the photo because Ruth, Darrell, and I were there when they brought this awesome desk piece in. We thought it was for the younger son, but it was for the older one. Go figure. In any case, it was cool to watch in real life, and again on the tube. )
Makeover night is tonight!

If you are not lame like me, and checked out the blog early in the day on Sunday (therefore missing this late notice), you can go here to watch:

I, of course, will have to catch a bit later. I have Statistics at 8. :(

1 comment:

Christie said...

I would never forget... because I put it on my calendar! Haha. It is so great that you all got to be so close to this- it was an amazing episode and that family deserves all the support and prayer they can get.

DJ, even if it didn't seem like you did much, any effort you put in helped change the life of this family for the better and that's an awesome thing for you to have done.