Friday, February 20, 2009

Grama's Sketti Dinner

It was a small crowd that gathered at Grama and Scott's house last Sunday afternoon for the annual Pasta "Orgy". A huge pot of sauce simmered on the stove. I immediately got a spoon and tasted it when I arrived. YUM!!!!!!

Christie flew from Virginia just for the occasion. (what a fun weekend we had together!) Beth came with Sam and Logan. Jenn arrived with Nate Blake. With the addition to the family, it's hard to bring everyone in one car!

We all sat around Grama's big dining room table as Scott served up a big bowl of garlic bread to sop up the extra sauce. We all had our fill of spaghetti goodness. What a treat that Cindy called and talked to all of us. Next time there is a "pasta holiday" we hope she can be there!

Since I am writing this post, I am including the pottery photo observation. Mom has a growing collection of cool pottery. These pieces are on a shelf Scott built in the kitchen.

After dinner we played a round of Yahtzee. I hate to tell about it because I was last place out of seven players. It was neat though. When Mom opened up the box, there were score cards with Christie and Kyle's names on them--Grama's too. She was sharing a scoresheet with Karen who could barely write her own name at the time they were used. There was also a scoresheet that said "Jimbo" written at the top. I know he would have loved to play a round of Yahtzee with us all--not to mention eat plenty of pasta!

It was a fun afternoon. I looked up President's Day for 2010. Based on my calculations, next year's pasta dinner will be held on Saturday, February 13, 2010. I hope everyone can make it!


Christie said...

My face is very deceiving in these pictures- I look sad about Logan when really he makes me smile so much!

Anonymous said...

sketti dinner is a holiday.... a holiday of my heart.
I love you all so much!