Friday, February 20, 2009

Part of a journal entry...

Ruth brought home her school journal to do some homework in. On Friday, she wrote, along these lines, as I was not bright enough to copy before she brought it back to school:

I think we are going to my Grama's for dinner. We will have spaghetti. In our family, spaghetti dinner is like a holiday at Grama's. She makes the best spaghetti in the world. I love going to eat it.

Again, I am writing the gist of it, and fully expect Ruth to correct me. If she does, then I will have her post again.

By the way, were there any stories to go along with day that can be shared?


Christie said...

Logan had four seats.

Poopsie said...


Kathy said...

That's the best you can do?? Tell everyone Logan came with four different places to sit?? I'll post my less than perfect pictures. But Ruth is right. Sketti at Grama's is like a holiday!