Sunday, February 1, 2009

The Tree

For those that are wondering....

The last time I went by the house with the tree, it was still up. It appears to still have the same blue decorations it had before Ruth was born. That was last summer.

When we first saw the tree, the Gulf War was going on. I imagined that maybe the parents that lived there had a loved one they were waiting to arrive at home.

The boys and I would go by there, year after year, and consider the possibilities. Did they lose a loved one? Maybe they were dumb? Maybe, just maybe, they loved Christmas more than Grama... If that was possible. :)

I have spent time pondering the reasons. A few years ago, Ruth and I discussed writing a note and asking for an answer to the question we have been asking since before her birth. I decided against it.

It is a simple reminder to me that there is always hope in the world. Hope for the return of a loved one. Hope for getting past grief. Hope for the world in general.

Couldn't we all use a little hope in life?

Man, I need to get back to school work. :)

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