Tuesday, March 10, 2009


so, Brian and i went to see the Dropkick Murphy's last night and it was awesome!!! Well it started with us driving up to Hartford in the snow and rain. We got to the Webster at4:00 and waited outside for 3 hours in the cold for the doors to open. it was me, brian, and 5 other people out there the whole time. aside from the cold, we got to be up close to several members of the bands that were to play. which was pretty cool and i got to be the cool one and tell all the others when somone passed by. Anyway, we ended up getting in around 7 and headed up to the front of the arena. the openers came on. 3 bands by the names of Tommy and the terrors, Sympfette ( im not sure on the spelling) and H2O. finally the Murphy's came on and the crowd got kinda rowdy... Brian ended up getting head butted by a rather large and pissed off guy... who ended up meeting my knee to his face for the previously stated action by him. he felt as though my actions were not needed, so i got his rather large fist to the nose... now, i cant breathe out of my nose, and its not comfortable to wear my glasses... anyway, the show went on, atleast until a member of the band spotted a crowd member pulling out a knife. the music stopped and the knife puller was yanked out of the crowd. the music continued and we rocked our faces off till about midnight. and we went home, sore and tired and all rocked out...


Kathy said...

This makes me laugh so thank you for posting about your experience! It sounds like you had a memorable time. I hope you can start breathing out of your nose again soon! Love, Aunt Kathy

Christie said...

THIS IS OUR 500TH POST! Thanks for making it an entertaining one! :)