Wednesday, March 4, 2009

haha Name Fun...or Fun Name??

Real (First) Name: Jennifer

Witness Protection Name
(mother's and father's middle names):
Marie Louis

Nascar Name
(1st names of your mother's and father's fathers):
Joseph Coy

Star Wars Name
(1st 3 letters of last name and 1st 2 letters of first name):

Detective Name
(favorite color, favorite animal):
Black Zebra

Soap Opera Name
(middle name, town where you were born):
Elaine Lebanon

Superhero Name
(The, then 2nd favorite color and favorite drink):
The Red Ice Coffee

Fly Name
(1st 2 letters of first name, last 2 letters of last name):

Street Name
(Favorite ice cream flavor & favorite cookie):
Dinosaur Crunch Peanut Butter Blossom

Rock Star Name
(pet's name and street where you live):
Leonard Maple

Adult Entertainment Name
(1st pet, street you grew up on):
Sharp Tooth 118 (not a good adult entertainment name! haha)

Gangsta Name
(1st 3 letters of real name plus "izzle"):

Goth Name
(Black plus a pet's name):
Black Britney

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