Friday, March 13, 2009

name game fun......

Real (First) Name: Nathan

Witness Protection Name
(mother's and father's middle names):

Lee Gene

Nascar Name
(1st names of your mother's and father's fathers):
Joseph Earl

Star Wars Name
(1st 3 letters of last name and 1st 2 letters of first name):

Detective Name
(favorite color, favorite animal):
Red Dog

Soap Opera Name
(middle name, town where you were born):
James Hanover

Superhero Name
(The, then 2nd favorite color and favorite drink):
The Black Amp

Fly Name
(1st 2 letters of first name, last 2 letters of last name):

Street Name
(Favorite ice cream flavor & favorite cookie):
Vanilla Nilla wafers

Rock Star Name
(pet's name and street where you live):
Sam Hampton

Adult Entertainment Name
(1st pet, street you grew up on):
Sampson Voluntown

Gangsta Name
(1st 3 letters of real name plus "izzle"):

Goth Name
(Black plus a pet's name):
Black Ally


Christie said...

NATE!!!!! Nice to hear from you! Maybe we'll see you sometime soon, you know, seeing as you'll be in the same state as us!

You are still coming to Norfolk, right? :)

Kathy said...

Hee! Hee! Adult entertainment name--Sampson!!