Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Well, I guess it's been a million years since I posted last. I have been working. I went to boston for a super boring seminar with my friend Steve that also works at Second Growth. I have also been playing twister every week with some recovery friends. I had to do CPI training for VV last week, it was tough after like six hours of twister. haha. It's crisis prevention and intervention. Basically how to de-escalate someone who's super angry, and how to physicaly restrain them if they can't verbally de-escalate. Yesterday, I got some of my tattoo on my shoulder done.

I was going to post a picture of it, but I can't seem to find where they uploaded too! haha.

So anyways, that is my life in a nutshell....whats going on for everyone else?

1 comment:

Christie said...

It's great to hear how you're doing. What's your new tat? Definitely load pics when you get a chance!