Friday, May 1, 2009

Candle Party

hello everyone...or lack of everyone??

anyways, I'm having a candle party at my house on monday, May 11th, and everyone better be there. haha. I don't know what time yet, but make sure your schedules are free!!

I'll post again when I figure out what time it will be, in the mean time, I expect to see some people posting!


Kathy said...

I'm scared because I have plans on Monday, May 11th. So does Grama....we have a Monday night Bible Study celebrating the return of two of our members on that night. Don't hate us. We want to come to your party.....

Poopsie said...

Umm, I can't make it either... work related schedule issues.

I am even more afraid, as I don't have Grama to back me up. :(