Tuesday, June 16, 2009

a quick update..


For those of you who have met Will, I have news.. he's having a baby girl this fall.. were all nervous and excited. But we believe him, his girlfriend, and the baby will be just fine.

Erin and i are good. she had a dance competition ( a feis as its called in the irish dancing world) a couple weeks ago. she did 4 dances and placed 1st, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. shes working hard but not liking where shes at. im trying to help her as much as i can.

Im working alot. but not as much as i would lke to be. so, ive been doing landscaping on the side. i got a new tattoo last month. ill show those interested when i see you. i am also in the process of purchasing a different vehicle. my car died last month, and the cost was more than the worth.

I would also like to ask a favor of everybody. a kind of unusual one from me. and that is to keep my boss and good friend in your prayers, as he is going through a separation with his wife and its tough on him. So, if everyone could pray that he comes out ok, i would really appreciate it. He's one of those people that likes to keep things personal, so im gonna be respectful of that and not give his name. thank you.

Dad, Brian, and I are planning a 9 day trip to the north maine woods. it should be fun. we already have almost all of our gear, and are just getting the last small items. hopefully it'll be sunny when we go.

that's a quick update as to what I've been up to.
ill see you all soon.

1 comment:

Kathy said...

It's great to hear from you, D! Prayers are being sent up for your friend. Even if you want something to happen like a separation, it's never easy. I pray he finds peace in the situation.

Camping in the North Woods sounds like FUN! Except for the black flies. And mosquitoes. And bears. But other than that. LOL!