Tuesday, July 28, 2009

A couple weeks late...

But this is my late post on the Maine trip.. Brian, Dad and I went to the North Maine Woods for nine days. our first couple of days, we stayed at Clayton lake, in the Ashland area. while there, we saw a few Moose, a Bald Eagle, and several other fun critters.

The next couple of nights were spent on Island pond. in the area between Ashland and Oxbow. we did some fishing, and caught nothing. we also saw several animals, including deer, loons, and Moose.One Moose, however, was a very big bull. i have pictures but cant upload because i cant find my camera cord. Anyway.. we took a day to do some fishing at churchill lake (which is part of the allagash wilderness waterway) and while we were there, i kept seeing something big appearing and disappearing in the water on the other side of the lake. after a while, i needed to go to the truck to get the map and figure out what town was closest (we had yet to catch any fish and ran out of food...) and as i was walking down the road, i looked up and the big bull was standing maybe 20 yards away from me (the disappearing thing i saw was the bull, i forgot to mention that..) i got a few pictures of him as he walked slowly down the road..

The next four nights were spent on Big pleasant pond, in the Ki-Jo Mary portion of NMW, near Millinocket. We saw more animals, caught some fish(most of which were not keepable) but we had a rather frightening encounter with a mother bear and cub.. we were driving down the road and saw a flattened area in the berries, and decided to investigate. while doing so, we heard something moving up away from us, so we decided we were safe.. well, as it turns out, i got too close to the woods, and we were growled at. dad asked if i heard that, and i said yes. i moved again, and we were growled at again, this time more pronounced.. needless to say, we left imediately... we also fished Gauntlet Falls. which i was slightly worried about, but we all made it safely. also, i caught one of two keepable fish while we were there. and 18 inch salmon. i was quite excited. anyways. ill try getting some pics up, and ill give more at that time.

we enjoyed ourselves. and i hope you enjoy our story.
hope to see you all soon!

1 comment:

Christie said...

DJ, this sounds like it was awesome! It will be great to see pictures and read some more when you get a chance to post again.