Saturday, August 8, 2009

hi all

i just want to say first off that im sorry for not posting. i have been busy with lifes harder things. im fine everyting with my roomate is going good. i bought a differant truck and had to change motors in it but its all good because its for Arianna my baby, i had alot of good help even samantha and she doesnt have a clue lol . . i have been working hard and trying to get things ready for her to arive but im kind of getting discuoraged because of ritas veiws but ill be ok. i hope everything is going to be good but who knows. on a better note, nice fish dj and uncle darrell maybe next time dj will get a better fish. lol yeah right. i hope to see everyone soon. peace,love and pancakes. love kyle

1 comment:

Poopsie said...

Kyle, it was great to 'hear' from you. I am glad to know things are better with your roommate, I know they were kind of iffy for awhile. Does your new truck have a back seat for Arianna to ride in? I know you were concerned about that. Is there any way we can help you to get ready for her arrival?
I just wanted to let you know I love you and wish the best for you.
Lots of love, Aunt Cindy :)