Monday, September 21, 2009


first off HAPPY BIRTHDAY RUTH ok now that that is done. if i didnt have bad luck i wouldnt have any at all. my weekend right from thursday after work right through til this morning sucked badly. i was at a friends on thursday and someone stopped by just to run him mouth to me about something that happened 8 months ago. then i got into a fight with rita about it and i was pissed and didnt sleep well that night then on friday almost got sent home from work because i brought my stress into work and flipped out on someone. then i went to moms and we had samson put to sleep friday afternoon that was hard to do. then while i was there sam called me telling me that nicole was bleeding and headed to the hospital so i raced up there and couldnt find i came home and freaked out on sam because she just called without getting all the info before calling and getting me all upset. then i just let loose and cried my eyes out just from all the stress between work and personal issues. saturday was a good day. then last night nicole calls me crying because she was bleeding again so i raced over there to be with her. but thats pretty much my lif the past few days. ill talk to you all soon

Happy Belated Birthday Ruth!

You are growing up so fast!
We love you!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Happy 9th birthday, Ruthe!

This nutty family needed you to be complete!
Love, Mumsie :)

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


I would like to ask for everybodys prayers for a friend of mine. My friend, and shop/ class mate through high school, Elson was shot several times over the weekend. i guess he's between critical and stable condition at this point, and is in care at Hartford Hospital. According to the news, he was at a party on the Pequot Reservation when he went outside, someone walked up to him and shot him several times in the abdomen and arm.I will be going to visit him one night this week after work. So, please keep Elson and his family in your prayers.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


for those who wanna see them, i posted 5 pictures from cruefest 2 on facebook. also there were parts of cruefest two on just search "cruefest 2" and you can see