Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Due to the procedure that Scott is having tomorrow and its extended ramifications, we have condensed the family campout weekend to just Saturday.

We are planning coffee and muffins for those early arrivals on Saturday morning, along with quick and wity conversation. We will have lunch around 12 with the Scavenger Hunt taking up most of the afternoon, for those who want an adventure. For others there is relaxing in the yard and yard games if they wish.

Dinner will be later in the afternoon and all who cannot make it for the daytime activities are definitely invited to come eat and enjoythe fun!! If we are lucky, Scott will join us to eat and hand out the prizes for the Hunt after dinner!

A little later we will have a campfire and stories as well as the traditional Somemores!

Pick and choose but please come to spend time with us on this very special day to celebrate Scott's life with us!

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