Wednesday, August 29, 2007

I'm here!

So, I FINALLY can log on to this thing and am very excited about starting to post stuff. :) I have started school and already I'm pretty stressed out but hopefully I will get my life together and feel a little more organized in the near future. I am living off campus this year and it is awesome. The house is not in the greatest shape but it's way better than a dorm room and the people I live with are amazing. I just got cast in this thing we are doing next week which is 7 plays in 7 days, part of the 365 plays in 365 days written by Suzan Lori Parks. I'm not that thrilled about it because it's a lot more commitment than I thought when I auditioned, but it will be over in two weeks so that's not too bad. I am working in the scene shop in the theatre again this year, building sets and all that and I even got a raise (along with the whole country) so now I get a whole $5.85 and hour! It's the little things, ya know. So, I have a lot going on, but I will make sure to keep up with my blogging and I'm really glad I can get on here now and see what everyone else is up to! When I am using my own computer I will post pictures from the circus and give a summary of my summer. Until then, I love you all! Over and out.


Poopsie said...

Welcome, Sparkie!

I am very glad to see you will be posting, and can't wait to "hear" more about your crazy life! I understand the first week of term is hectic, but you will find your rhythm, and soar! Just think about life in small time frames, and you will get it all done before you know it!
Love ya',
Aunt Cindy

Jenn said...

yayayay karen!! Glad ya joined, can't wait to hear about the circus and what not! Love you!

Kathy said...

Welcome Karen! I didn't get on the blog yesterday and missed your first post. Aunt Cindy is right about thinking about life in small pieces. She knows because she goes to school AND began working again (full time) AND has three kids at home. You can do it! And ENJOY IT! Rest when you can and eat well. I'm rooting for you!

Poopsie said...

God, she sounds as if I am a saint... SORRY!
But, I do struggle with all of the different hats I wear, and sometimes I absolutely hate it. But, once I am in the midst of everything, it seems to works.
That is the basis for my advice about small pieces. Just use this small piece of time to its fullest, and then the next. Break things down into weeks of time, if you want. You know, the one day or minute at a time philosophy.