Monday, September 17, 2007

Dead Towel???

We don't know what it is. DJ found this on the web sometime last year. There was no name given, but it was sort of beast that was found in Maine. Actually FOX news covered the story. It was interesting, this is the site:,2933,208683,00.html.
and I have rambled...
The picture keeps grossing me out, so I took it off. I just needed to share the image. If this is not something you already witnessed, I am sorry. (not really, :) but you can Google Maine beast)
So, you are wondering
"WHY have you posted this nasty thing on the blog?".
The answer is,
"Every time I scroll through Jenn's pictures of Beth and the towel, I think of this photo."
Doesn't it have some resemblance?
They are both yucky and things I wouldn't want to touch with a ten foot pole!


Christie said...
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Christie said...

Thanks for the dead animal on the blog, Aunt Cindy. Lol, EW! I bet Aunt Beth and Jenn were glad the towel they found didn't used to be alive!

Beth said...

I may have had to give up Real Estate is I saw anything like that! Scary!
Someone always has to go with me if there are dead animals on the walls, UGH! A hunter I am not, sorry DJ!

Jenn said...

Yes I remember all those wonderful trips to Burnt Mountain because mom was scared of the big scary moose head hanging above the door. IT is an awesome cabin though

Kathy said...

EW! IT does look like that towel...Your clean up jobs make mine seem like a piece of cake Beth. I guess I'll stop complaining about putting people's dishes in the machine!

Jenn said...

So last night mike and I were watching a movie called dark water rising that had to do with animal rescue after hurricane Katrina...they had pictures of dogs like this on there and it made me so sad!!! There whole bodies were like cemented flat against pavement but their little heads were still full skulls so to speak. I wish I could of helped save all those animals. 90% of the dogs saved were pitbulls oh man. so sad