Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Hello Loves!

Okay, so, I said I would write more about the vacation Casey and I just got back from, and finally, here it is! Monday during the day we visited some arcades and wasted some money, haha. And I kicked this arm wrestling games butt... okay, not really- but only because it was such an old game that it was out of commission. We also went to the pier, which was lovely- the beach seems to go on forever in each direction when you are out there! After that we played in the water and rode some waves! Yeah dudes! Haha. Monday night we played shuffleboard and I kicked Casey's butt! It's probably because I'm such an old bitty and he's such a young lad... at least he keeps telling me I'm like an old lady because I go to bed so early. Haha, whatever- I kicked his butt, so who cares?! :) Tuesday we played in the water some more and I built a sandcastle. Oh, and we ate at River City Cafe that night- which was DELICIOUS! They have the most yummy onion rings- not to mention the largest I've ever seen. The burgers were great too and it was fun reading all the stuff people have written on the walls over the years. We added our own little bit of course! :) Wednesday we wandered around Broadway at the Beach and then played mini-golf at Captain Hook's. Casey beat me... as usual. Whatever, I beat him by more when played shuffleboard! Unfortunately, Thursday rolled around and we were in our last day at the beach- so, I made Casey get up to watch the sunrise. It was at like 7, so he couldn't complain too much! The rest of the day we just lounged and played on the beach- and Casey let me bury him in the sand! The video is kinda funny, but also creepy when he is pumping his stomach because it's like a scary sand creature movie and the sand creature is coming to life. Or not. Haha.

After coming back to VA for the night, we went to Jersey on Saturday for a car drifting competition. If you don't know what that is, it's pretty much cars going fast and sideways-like around a track and making lots of smoke with their tires. And Casey got his picture taken with Funkmaster Flex who is a famous TV show car guy. Then on Sunday we came home and on Monday we went back to work. Poo. At least my work changes soon- October 9 to be exact! And I'll be home in VT the whole first week of October so I hope to see some peoples! Sorry this is a novel, but I'm done... for now. ;) Love and miss everyone lots!

Oh, and I bought this house at the beach, so if you want to stay sometime, let me know.

Haha, yeah right... I wish! :)

1 comment:

Beth said...

Boy does that sound like alot of fun and REALLY makes me want to take a vacation to the beach. Thanks for sharing!