Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Is it a scam?

Is this for real, or do I ignore it?

I got home today and in my email was an invitational letter from Alpha Beta Kappa, forwarded by Kaplan's student life coordinator. I was invited to join the Delta Zeta Chapter of Florida. But, in order to join I have to pay about 40 bucks. I am not sure if this means that if I pay I am in automatically, or if it is the start of an expensive process.
I am open to opinions. :)


Kathy said...

Don't ignore it! It's NOT a scam! I couldn't find too much about it but I did notice that it is a recognized honor society for Kaplan University. If it is anything like the ones that Christie and Karen belong to, you pay the initiation fee and it gives you membership. Sure would look lovely on a resume. As well, when you graduate and if you have a ceremony that you attend, you would receive cords that identify your honor status.

Christie said...

First of all, congrats! They don't call them honor societies for nothing! :) And I agree with Mom, don't ignore it! She is probably right that the $40 is just an initiation fee- most honor societies don't have you pay anything more than that initial fee. And it does look good on a resume! :)