Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Oh the Joys of being a real estate agent!

So I was sitting here typing my english paper up when mom comes home and asks me to help her do somethings at the house she just sold. She said there was a towel lying on the lawn thats been there for a really long time and she was scared to pick it up herself because of herds of slugs and maybe a snake so I had to go. Well I thought it was the perfect opportunity to bring the camera and show you all what it takes to be a real real estate agent....which includes being able to unlock doors, which mom, struggled with unlocking the door to this house, which you will be able to preview also. Enjoy!!


Poopsie said...

Hey, I could have used that towel in my classroom as an experiment. :) LOL

I think I will stick to teaching thank you. :)

Beth said...

Man do I need a haircut! UGH!