Thursday, September 20, 2007


I thought you all might be interested to know that at 7:30 this morning about 20 mexicans arrived at our house with a huge truck and climbed up on our roof and began making as much noise as they possible could. It is now about 8:11 am and they are still there like a stampede of wildebeest. You can imagine my surprise when I woke up and heard this right above me. I can't repeat the phrase that entered my mind but suffice it to say, I was a little peeved. Still am. You can't imagine just how loud it is. Scraping and pounding. NON-STOP. And there are two white guys on the ground "supervising." Oh, and we had NO IDEA that this was going to happen. No heads-up, no call, nothing. Michele woke up and saw a bunch of men climbing out of a van with tools and crap at 7:30 in the morning and needless to say she was a little freaked out. Kinda like when mom thought we were being invaded by the russians....but that's a different story. In any case, I just thought I would share this lovely experience with all of you. Maybe I'll get a picture and post that. If I could get audio, that would be ideal. Well, enjoy your day.


Christie said...

Karen, I am suprised at you- throwing them all into a single race group. That is not very liberal of you. :) The description of the white guys on the ground supervising did make me laugh though, because it's so true- as did the mention of Mom's fear of Russians.

Kathy said...

Hee! Hee! She's got you there, Karen! And, keep the Russians out of it....I was terrified. So what if they turned out to be women coming home from aerobics?? I needed to protect my child! LOL!

Are the Mexicans fixing the leak in your roof?

Jenn said...

Lol thats hilarious!! I'm sorry it woke you so early in the morning.

Beth said...

7:30 and you are still in bed?!?! Holy Smokes..the day is 1/2 gone by that time!
I enjoyed your story, but not your distress!
Love, Aunt Beth

Poopsie said...

Okay, I am out of the loop....
Tell me about the Russians...

By the way, I wouldn't want to be woken up that way either. But, Aunt Beth is right, by 7:30 the day is half done. :) It is the sounf effects I can do without, no matter what the case is.