Friday, September 7, 2007

morning boredom

Hey...It's like seven thirty and I'm just wasting time before heading to dunkin donuts and then to my lovely school. Las day of the first week. I'm not doing bad at all. I got all my cosmotology homework done three dayz before it was due, and I'm reading my sisters keeper by jodie piccoult for my independant reading class, and I'm way ahead on that too. So I'm doing well...I'll have to post some picutres soon because I got my hair all bleached out yesterday and OH BABY IS IT BLONDE! the woman did an amazing job, $40 plus a free trim!! I love her. =) this just means I must get my senior picutres taken fast...=/ Ugh. for all those who live near by and are doing nothing tonight, the recovery walk in white river is tonight at 5:30 with free food and speakers afterwards!!! It's a darn good time ;-) Love to all


Kathy said...

Do you look like a baby chick? I can't wait to see your Senior pics. I know they will be fabulous!

And, hey, ditch Mike some night and we can go out for a girls night. Not that I don't like him but I think he might be a bit whiny since the RED SOX are still in FIRST PLACE. The Yankees? What Yankees? Who'll be selling hot dogs in October? Let's wait and see!

Beth said...

If you were so bored, how come you didn't have time to say good-bye? LOL!
I hope you have a good day in school.
Love, Mom

Jenn said...

mom, for your information I did yell good bye but you just did not here me, and I had to rush to Dunkies to get myself a coffee before the hartford bus left without me!!