Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Creative juices

Okay, so it is Tuesday night and I am half way through my project which is due in three hours. I get a little mental block, and here I am. :) I will hand in the essay, which is about maintaining healthy populations of grizzly bears and wolves by creating human free zones with in national parks. I personally don't think it will work, because both species need very large hunting territories. Blah Blah blah. :) I won't bore you with the details.
Love you all! Back to school I go!


Kathy said...

Hey, you know I always have an opinion...I'm a devoted fan of National Parks and we've been to a few of the "big" ones. I think it's a fine line between what is best for the economic sustainability of National Parks and the need to provide safe, human free territories for native species. Wolves have been successfully introduced back into Yellowstone. We have to recognize who the Parks are for and what kind of treaure we want the parks to hold--including less popular species like the two mentioned. It's our greed that will rob the animals of their natural habitat. So you may be right that protecting their hunting ground may not be the answer. Thankfully there are people out there who study this sort of thing! By the way, the size of Yellowstone boggles the mind. The problem isn't whether or not we can find our way to where Grizzlies are as much as figuring out how to maintain places where Grizzlies find US! Support your National Parks. That's the bottom line. Yes, I'm on my soapbox!

Beth said...

I find that taking a small break always recharges me and it's fun to see what going on with the fam!

Kathy said...

I'm totally with Beth! I think taking a break when you have work to do is healthy! And, fun!

Poopsie said...

Well, thank you both. :)

Kathy, if you can believe it, Yellowstone and Grand Teton together are only a third of the sustainable size for the ecosystem they consist of. We are talking over 2 million acres, and tripling that! I also discussed the concern about the fact that to keep people out means blcoking animals in, which was Darrell's favorite sentence. Here, I'll add it:. "Barriers that would need to be placed around the zone would in fact hold in these predators, and will in effect signify their demise." Over hunting by predators is as bad overhunting by people. The reintroduction of wolves has helped in many ways, including rejuvenating the aspen trees, of all things. :) It was quite an interesting topic, and I had fun researching it, that is for sure. :)