Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Ridin in the Rain!

YUP, Jim and I left early Sunday morning to go on a benefit bike ride for Davis Hemmingway Memorial Fund. He is a young man who drowned a few years ago and the benefit is a fundraiser his parents put on for a scholarship in his name.
Anyway it was raining when we left and raining when we got home! The scariest part was when we got to Newport and the water was running over my running boards/boots and my visibilty was about 20%. Luckily we were really close to the sign in place and by the time we left for the ride it was raining off and on, but not a down pour like when we arrived. The unfortunate part was there wasn't nearly the amount of bikes that participated in the past few years, but it wasn't a total loss. Anyway, despite being wet and cold, it was alot of fun!


Jenn said...

It was also fun to see you come in all dressed up in your rain and bike gear...your so cute!!

Poopsie said...

Wow, Beth, that sounds scary. I hate to drive in that kind of weather fromt eh comfort of my car, let alone being drenched! It sounds like the cause was worth it though. :)
i am glad you had fun. :)