Monday, September 24, 2007

Spa & Slumber Party

For Ruth's 7th birthday, we took the plunge, and had a sleepover. Only 2 of the invited 6 spent the night, and 1 came just for the spa treatments. Boy, did I luck out! :)

We started the evening with some beading, and the new Disney princess movie. (I don't care for the new stories about the princesses. They feel like badly done television.) We got to eat real pizza, not frozen junk and then got our cool glow in the dark glasses and pj's on.
Let me tell you those things were a pain! They kept coming apart and so we didn't wear them long. Actually that worked out, because we had cucumber peel masks to wear while we did some foot soaks and scrubs. The girls were a little creeped out by the look of the scrub, but they loved the feel of their feet when we were done. :)
We then painted some t-shirts that said "I survived Ruth's slumber party" with fabric paint. I am glad I know enough to put cardboard on the inside of the shirt, because those shirts were loaded!
About this time, Ruth was exhausted. She popped in "Sound of Music" and went to sleep. The rest of us painted nails for an hour or so. (No drips down our legs, Jenn!) The girls that stayed were done with the video. "It's boring, can we watch something else" done. SO, I set up the TV so that they watched PBS all night, and crawled into bed.
Next morning, we had yummy pancake breakfast with bacon, scrambled eggs, and orange smiles. Hm mm, yummy. It makes me think that it's time to go and eat breakfast now!
Love to all!


Jenn said...

That sounds like a great time, and good thing you didn't get nail polish on your leg, mine didnt come off that easy!!!

Beth said...

That sounds like so much fun I'm thinking we all need to do a slumber party!

Kathy said...

Hey......I would LOVE to have a slumber party....Let's talk!

Ruth's sounds perfect, minus the Barbie movie. I do love pancakes...

Happy Birthday Ruth E!

Jenn said...

Yeah, if we do have a slumbie party, which I hope to be invited, WE HAVE TO WATCH STEPMOM because Aunt Kathy is so lame and hasn't seen it yet! But I still love her

sam said...

i hope we all can do a slumber party that would be so much fun!! maybe we can do the spa treatment as well!!