Sunday, September 23, 2007

2days fun!

today mom and i decided at a sper of the moment we would go out and do something fun today. mom had the ideas of going to pick apples, the movies, going to meet jenn and mike at home depot or going for a hike up cardigan mountain. now all sounded good but i thought about the hike and realized in my condition i probably would have died half way up it. i figured that probably wouldnt be the fun that we were looking for so instead we went to home depot and went to the movies. so after meeting mike and jenn we went to the movies and saw superbad. it was pretty funny. i had a good time with everyone (hope they had as much fun as i did!!!!)


Jenn said...

we just I'm kidding I had a blast! Remember before I went in I said I liked hanging out with you guys? That wasn't to put you on your high horse, I was serious!! We should go on more dates, with more cuddling next time ;-)

Beth said...

I'm not sure about the cuddling part....especially with the sick and sicker sisters! LOL! Just kiddin...I had alot of fun too!

Kathy said...

Sorry I missed the fun. But thanks for the phone call. I didn't get home until 2:30.....too late to meet you guys. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE ask me again sometime. I might even climb Cardigan....