Friday, September 21, 2007

Still sick!!

hello everyone.
i just got back from the doctors office and i dont have mono so i had to go and get my blood drawn again because he thinks that i may have something wrong with my gall bladder but idk hopefully we can figure it out cuz i miss everyone at work and they miss me. this week i went into work on wendsday and thursday and on wendsday a lady named lori gave me a present which i will share a pic of it later tonight. it really made me realize that people other than my family really do care about me and it made me feel really good!! i have been suffering watching tv for the last 2 days cuz theres nothing else i can do and i have been going to bed aroung 7 or 8 so i hope i can get better so i can do more things. even though friday i went to jenns bonfire cuz there was nothing that will have me miss her senior year and saturday i went shopping and to the tunbridge fair witch i must say didnt help me at all but it was alot of fun!!!


Christie said...

Hey darlin'! I'm sorry you still feel crummy, but I hope they figure it out soon so you can get back to work. I'm sure it is hard to have such an obstacle after you were really fitting in at work and everything. But no worries, you've made yourself a good place there and they wont forget that. Feel better soon- can't wait to see you in a few weeks!

Poopsie said...

Did your mom mention that they should check for Lyme Disease? Ruth had similar symptoms, and they didn't wnat to check, but I insisted, and that is what it was. Just an idea. :)
I hope you feel better quick!