Thursday, October 4, 2007


So, I, too have not posted in a while and so here I am, updating you all on my life. Unfortunately, it's not very exciting. I just saw two plays in DC in the past week and they were really good. The first one was 33 Variations which is about a woman investigating a group of compositions that Beethoven wrote. The leading lady was played by the woman who plays Grams on Dawson's Creek, which probably means nothing to you, but it was cool. She was really good. The whole play was amazing. Last night I saw a modernized production of Shakespeare's Taming of the Shrew. It was still Shakespeare's words, but the production was contemporary, it was a little weird and over the top but I kind of liked it. Anyway, maybe that's not at all interesting you any of you, but since Theatre is what I do, that's what I have to write about here. On the same path, I was just cast in a play we are doing in our student-run black box theatre. The play is called Unwrap Your Candy. I don't actually know much about it, but I will keep you updated on that. Other than that, not much happening. I had a wonderful time last weekend in Philly, even though it turned out to be a really long weekend for me. It was a lot of fun. Well, I guess that's all I can come up with right now. Love you all!!


Poopsie said...

Hey, it sounds excitign to me. I would love to go to the Theatre.

Kathy said...

Hey Poopsie....Life is a stage and we are all merely players...

I agree, what an interesting life! We all want to hear about it! I too, would love to go to the Theatre.

sam said...

i would love to go to a theatre it sounds like it would be fun.