Tuesday, October 23, 2007

hmmm funny we dont seem this happy now

this be my division at its best. dont we look all happy to be there.
and jenn i would like to know more about what you thought of McIntosh college


Jenn said...

Cute picture...lol. I really liked it! I mean I can't go wrong with a fifteen month program that doesn't require SATs and sets you up with a job when you graduate so you aren't left with nothing. I sent in my application and am waiting on the word back. It was a small school (Thank god) which works best for me, considering I am from a small school and town...I loved it really.!!

Beth said...

I think Sam is ready to join the Navy based on all the cute guys in the picture!

Jenn said...

Yes indeed, she did seem VERY interested after seeing this picture. Sam....Navy....makes me think of Private Benjamin..lol... no, I'm kidding, i'd have faith that sam would do a marvelous job in the Navy!

sam said...

thanks mom and jenn but yes there were a few cute guys in the pic maybe the navy would be fun ;) lol

Nathan said...

you know its really just us guys that look good. you should see the rest of the crew. they are all hideous.